Friday, May 2, 2008

Learn The Most Effective Method To Losing Weight

By Mark Dulisse

Did you know that by far, the biggest secret to losing fat is detoxifying your colon and liver?

Do you ever sit back and think when I was in my 20's I could eat anything I wanted and did not gain weight. Now I am in my 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and so on and if I even LOOK at a donut I gain 10 lbs!! That is because you are TOXIC!!

In today's times, the increase in toxins within the environment and foods (dead foods) you consume is out of control. Your body's own natural detoxification system can no longer keep up and remove the toxins at the rate that they are being ingested. Hence, so when you begin to gain weight your body is undeniably toxic. The fat that your body has accumulated or stored is a way to protect your vital organs from more toxicity building up. A sure sign that you have toxic buildup is fat around the midsection, buttocks and/or thighs.

This also is a good indicator that your liver is not functioning at its optimal level.

When these toxins are built up faster than the body can remove, you will actually produce more fat for the specific purpose of storing these unwanted excess toxins to protect your vital organs from more toxins. This fat is that stubborn no matter how many crunches, lunges, miles you jog on the treadmill fat that despite you arduous efforts it never goes away. YUCK!

This fat will only be removed when you do something to detoxify your body. When you detoxify your body of these toxins, your body now has a chance to repair and rejuvenate itself. As the toxins are removed the stubborn fat will be removed also!! Yeah! Yeah! No more love handles or saddlebags ladies and gents!!

This is the secret that all those fad diet companies definitely do not want you to know. They want you to continue to be on that roller coaster of the bulge so they can keep getting you fatter. This makes you a slave to their empty promises of keeping the weight off.

The best resource about detoxifying your body and eliminating unnecessary fat is Dr. Gudakunst's ebook, Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

To learn more on how you can eliminate toxins to lose fat and weight, Click Here

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