Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Losing Weight Now Is Easier Than You Think

By Rob Jacobs

Some people think looking thin and attractive means giving up the food we love forever. Rather, you can lose weight now, just like you had in mind by following a few simple guidelines, not rigorous, ball-and-chain rules. The best first step you can take here to lose weight now, is no more strict diets. A nutritionist friend of mine put it best when he said he didn't believe in extremes in any area of life, including low-carb diets. These types of diets are often so rigid and uncomfortable that sustaining long-term results is nearly impossible. That's no way to lose weight now. If you make any kind of all-encompassing decisions about your diet and health, the best one to let you lose weight now, is to go all-natural. And there are a few ways to do this, and it's easier to stick to.

So, if you're trying to lose weight now, and you'd rather not have the old problems resurface shortly thereafter, you need to change your habits regarding eating, not just your diet. Getting this into practice, may be a little slow to start, since you don't want to risk your health by changing too much too fast. One good way to do this is start to cut unhealthy foods from your diet, one type at a time. Red meat, for instance; can be removed from your diet and replaced with more vegetables, without causing any major nervewreck. Family can be slow to adopt these changes, butin the long run you'll realize you're making tremendous progress to lose weight now.

Another way to lose weight now is find a sport. You have two main options really. You can starve yourself, or do something you really like. People that are the most successful with recreational weight loss are the ones that did a great job of looking back through their childhood to find the activities they loved. More often then not, they love them just as much, twenty, even thirty years later as they did when they were children. So it's pretty clear: a sport or physical activity you love is a great way to lose weight now. But don't be let down if you don't see results overnight. If you're looking to lose weight now, you're going to have to step it up several notches and really push yourself, in a short time-frame. You can pick any activity you like really: going for a jog, a swim, or a more team-oriented sport. Put in just a few weeks of this, and other people will notice before you do, but you'll be thinner. But more importantly you'll have that stronger, youthful look.

So, just consider, if you lose weight now, but just make some bad decisions soonafter and put it all back on, what did you do all that hard work for? The best way to do it is change your lifestyle completely. Seek every opportunity you can to be more active and energetic. The benefits of that postiive change will serve you for quite a while. People tried to lose weight now and suceeded with this approach report having a more "positive spirit" in addition to the physical benefits.

Bottom line, don't put this off any longer! You can lose weight now, and make a better life for yourself than you probably realized. Sure, like all things, it may take some time to adapt, but once you start to see the benefits, you'll wish you'd started sooner.

Rob Jacobs is a fitness coach and nutrition expert of 20 years. He consults with world class bodybuilders and casual dieters on lifetsyle improvement. For more information on Rob's approach, please visit Lose weight now

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_Jacobs

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