Saturday, June 21, 2008

Are You an Emotional Eater

By Jackie Reid

Most of us just do not realize how much we are ruled by our emotions. And most might not even realize that they are emotional eater. An emotional eater is someone who eats not because he or she is hungry but because the emotion dictates so. If you are feeling stressed, bored, depressed then you reach for something to eat, then that mean that you are not listening to your stomach but rather your emotions.

The Problem

The sad truth about emotional eaters is that they are sabotaging their bodies because most emotional eaters do not eat healthy when they are stressed. You usually go for foods that are high in calories, sugar, fat all of which leads to obesity and overeating.

The problem arises because most people do not even know that they have a problem. And if you don't know that you have a problem then you cannot set a cure in place. The first thing that has to be accessed is you an emotional eater? You will have to watch yourself and the next time that you get some distressing news, or you are angry, sad, depressed, you will have to notice that you head straight to the kitchen.

The Answer

Keeping a journal is a good way to determine if you are an emotional eater. In your journal you want to write what you eat and how you were feeling before and after you eat a particular food. A journal will be good too to tell you what foods you should avoid. You will realize that you might be indulging in foods that just sap the energy out of you, which might spiral you to become an emotional eater because now you have just become depressed for no known reason.

Also you will state in your journal why are you eating, are you eating because you are hungry, mad, sad or otherwise. You will get to find out if work has made you become an emotional eater. This sometimes happen to employees. They get so stressed at work maybe after the regular weekly meeting or you might be dealing with a hard boss. All of these actions will send you off to the vending machine to get something not because you are hungry but simple to calm your stress level down.

If you find that this is a habit that you cannot control you might need to seek the help of a health professional. This is not something to be ashamed of, many people are dealing with this problem and not even aware of it.

But if you are not in the arena that you need professional help then what you might try doing is to have healthy snacks around so that when you feel an attack coming on you can reach for a healthy snack. A great snack can be fresh fruits, dried fruits, trail mixes, nuts or seeds. Keep them near and keep them visual so that you will see them and you will not have to walk far to get them. Chances are if you have to pass the vending machine before you get to your healthy snack, the vending machine will win.

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Jackie Reid is a weight loss advisor who teaches people who want to lose weight how to use diet and exercise to create their ideal body weight through personalized classes and coaching programs.

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